Since approval of the park Master Plan, phased implementation of City View Park (2500 Kerns Rd. Burlington) has occurred including three artificial turf fields, creative playground, parking, pond/wetland, trails, natural restoration and a park maintenance facility.
The year-round building will support existing and future planned uses in the park.
It is a key feature for Bruce Trail hikers to meet or continue their adventure and a significant milestone towards the completion of the City View Park Master Plan.
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For more information, contact:
If you have any questions or comments related to the design or construction, please contact Jennifer Johnson, Project Manager, 905-335-7600, ext. 7358 or email at
If you would like to rent the facility, please email
Contact Us
Design and Construction - Roadways
426 Brant St., PO Box 5013
Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6
Phone: 905-335-7694
Fax: 905-335-7861
Email Design and Construction Service
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