The City of Burlington has five standing committees of Council, including:
Standing committees provide a forum for public input, and they make recommendations to Council on issues within their areas of responsibility. All seven members of Council are members of standing committees, except the Audit Committee, which is made up of Council members and community members, and the Pipeline to Permit Committee which is made up of Council members, stakeholders and community members.
Our Procedure Bylaw (059-2024) provides the rules of order for Council and its committees.
Check our Meeting Calendar for upcoming meeting dates and view live streams of meetings as they happen with our Council and Committee Live Stream. The live stream will activate a few minutes before the start of meetings. You do not need to refresh the page for the live stream to begin.
Learn how you can speak at a meeting as a delegation.
Delegations may participate in-person at City Hall, 426 Brant St., or remotely via Zoom.
Committee members and the public must follow our Procedure Bylaw (059-2024), which outlines rules and procedures before the meeting, member conduct, how a business item is completed, public participation and more.