Posted on Thursday, February 27, 2025 11:19 AM
Skyway Park
In order to accommodate the improvements at the community centre, Skyway Park will also be redesigned to include a natural playground and one baseball diamond.
Some of the new or improved items include:
The park will be closed until the project is complete in 2025.
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Skyway Community Centre and Park Time-lapseThe demolition of the Skyway Arena and building of the new Skyway Community Centre and...
Posted on Friday, June 30, 2023 01:20 PM
Mountainside Pool and Splash Park Grand Opening
After being closed for two years, Mountainside Pool will be open this summer.
Free swimming will also take place all weekend.
Mountainside Pool revitalization project began in September 2021 and was scheduled to reopen in August 2022. While every effort was made to complete the project within this timeline, it will remain closed this summer due to trade strikes, specifically excavator and concrete in Ontario.
Once the revitalization is complete, the facility will be a fun and welcoming multi-use outdoor swimming pool that invites the community to participate and experience swimming and water...
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 12:01 PM
City Hall Modernization Project
Work to renovate the main floor of City Hall is complete. The new open space provides easy access to customer service counters for Service Burlington and Building, Renovating and Licensing, as of July 11, 2013.
The City Hall Modernization Project is one of 22 recommendations from the Red Tape Red Carpet Task Force report, and was approved by City Council in September 2019. In keeping with the City’s focus on customer experience, this project will create a more open, customer-facing area on the first floor of City Hall.
Read report EICS-05-21 to learn more about the project.
Features of the main floor design include:
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 11:58 AM
City View Park Pavilion is now complete City View Park information
Since approval of the park Master Plan, phased implementation of City View Park (2500 Kerns Rd. Burlington) has occurred including three artificial turf fields, creative playground, parking, pond/wetland, trails, natural restoration and a park maintenance facility.
The year-round building will support existing and future planned uses in the park.
It is a key feature for Bruce Trail hikers to meet or continue their adventure and a significant milestone towards the completion of the City View Park Master Plan.
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